Uganda - 13 things I love about Uganda

13 Things I Love About Uganda

I am a Ugandan born in Kisoro, district located in south western part of the country and I’ve lived in this beautiful country for the last 3 decades. I have been to most parts of my beloved country Uganda, while in school and now on my travel escapades. I have come across many beautiful things

Uganda is a happy place with happy people – recently named among the countries with the friendliest humans (not aliens) We are very welcoming to both local and international visitors. Here a few things I love about this country

Languages: We speak many languages in Uganda because of our history – bantu people. The ability to be able to speak five different languages from different tribes fascinates me. Culture connects different people who haven’t shared the same background through language.

Culture – you ever been in a conversation about an interracial marriage? Well, here in Uganda inter-tribal marriages are a big deal. Not because of the tribal sentiments but the fact that different people are coming together to become one.

Rolex – I wrote this blog while sipping coffee and eating a delicious homemade rolex. The ‘Ugandan Rolex’ currently is a delicacy known by many traditions, restaurants, and across the region. Someone even had to make the ‘World’s biggest Rolex’ and you guessed right – they won themselves a Guinness world Record. The Rolex originally started from a Kampala suburb and is a mixture of fried eggs, some tomatoes, onions and ‘Chappati’ wrapped together.

Matooke: One of the most common food you will find in most households, and a rare one to find in other parts of the country. I love matooke and the different ways you can have it – well ‘Gonja’ (roasted plantain) is my favorite and I’d be desperate not to ever find it anywhere else in the world.

The green scenery: Ever green vegetation all over the different parts of the country. From the terraced hillsides of Kigezi to the savannah grasslands of Kidepo. Uganda is a marvel on it’s own reason why it’s among Africa’s top travel destinations because of it’s many rain forests and jungles.

The Nile – one of the world’s longest rivers with the source in Jinja – running all the way to the Mediterranean Sea in Egypt. The Nile has several waterfalls and dams including Itanda falls, Murchison falls and others. The Nile River is a natural wonder and you can enjoy adrenaline activities like Rafting, Kayaking or a boat trip. You can also go fishing on the Nile to get some of the biggest e.g. the Nile perch.

Mountain Gorillas – we are known to be among the only few countries where it’s possible to see the mountain gorillas in their natural habitat. Uganda’s Bwindi has over 60% of the remaining gorillas and the beauty in this misty jungle is unmatched – also considered to a UNESCO world heritage site. Our highest ‘currency note’ has the mountain gorilla as a symbol of the unique treasure

Lake Bunyonyi – this is the place I’d always dreamed of when I was young. Simply magnificent and beautiful. Every time I’m travelling to my hometown – Kisoro, I get to stop by one of the spots in Kigezi hills to marvel at this stunning Lake. Bunyonyi is also a lake with many rare bird species and a common destination for bird watchers.

Ugandan music – If it’s not Ugandan music at a concert or show, I’ll be miserable. I have listened or always listen to music from most of the Ugandan artists and I’ve fallen in love with the sounds from the pearl of Africa.

Ugandan tea – I grew up watching my father work in a tea factory. Once in a while I got a chance to go visit some of the nearby tea plantations and factory since our house was nearby. The smell of tea kind of made my senses feel tingly. My love for tea started then, and have since loved supporting the Ugandan tea / coffee companies. Unfortunately, I am not yet a CEO of a big tea factory, hope to be soon. I love Ugandan tea, very natural and fresh.

Traditional attire – Every culture in Uganda has different attires e.g the baganda with ‘gomesi’ for women and ‘Kanzu’ for men, banyankole with ‘mishanana’ for women etc. Most of these are wore on any Ugandan traditional wedding where the bride is introducing the groom to their parents. Funny enough I haven’t had the chance to wear my ‘traditional attire’ but that shouldn’t be a question when a certain bride decides to make up her mind.

Ugandan food – Uganda isn’t a country with less options when it comes to food, starting with breakfast to dinner. In the central parts of the country, you’ll notice they love cooking ‘Chicken Luwombo’ – chicken wrapped in banana leaves, while in the western you’ll find eshabwe – an appetizer sauce made from fermented milk. I have enjoyed eating different cuisines of ‘Ugandan food’ but my favorite is ‘Beef in Ground nut sauce with matooke’. You can enjoy some of this amazing food at any local restaurant or order online.

Weather & Climate – Uganda is a blessed country with two seasons alternating throughout the year. The rains fill mostly the early months between Feb – April before returning towards September, while mid-year and around December is somehow dry. A few regions have unfortunately had bad rains leading to floods.

There is definitely more interesting things you’ll love about Uganda but you can also share your thoughts with us – email us to share your stories.

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